315 In-Line Inkjet Bag Printing System
Model 315 is a complete, conveyorized, in-line inkjet bag printing system. It is designed to label kraft paper bags with lot and date codes, and other important product information. Labeling is accomplished by printing text characters on the side of a bag as it moves along the conveyor. Known for reliability and ease of maintenance, the 315 also has good print quality and speed. In addition, tasks like varying and changing the text can be easily accomplished via a keypad. Lastly, the system includes a 10′ by 24″ heavy-duty slip-top belt conveyor, bag straightening guides, and a high resolution inkjet printer. Category: Bag Handling Conveyers

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Model 315 Printing Bags In-line on a Conveyor
All CBE bag handling conveyors are constructed with 6” structural C-channel powder-coated frames. They have heavy-duty wire mesh carrying belts for use in the most demanding industrial environments.
4804 N Main St,
Taylor, TX 76574
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
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